The Vision

The year was 1975, when God (whispered) in the ears of Mother Dr. Eloisa CW Bonaparte on her knees in prayer.

The Holy Spirit filled the room with a mighty wind and God Spoke to her saying … ” I AM THE GOOD SHEPHERD- DEDICATE A TEMPLE IN MY NAME”! That night gave birth to a vision of a New Ministry the Temple of The Good Shepherd ( aka )Temple Ministries.

As a young Evangelist Eloisa travelled across America and the World Preaching and Teaching the Gospel. Everywhere she went people wanted more of God and desired for her to plant missions and churches.

The first fifteen years of the Ministry was a Missions and Crusade Ministry; by 1990, Branch Churches and Clergy Alliances were formed World Wide; Thus leading the Ministry to add on the words “World Wide” to its name (Temple of The Good Shepherd Ministries World Wide).

Today the organization has 3,000 connections of Branch Churches, Assemblies and Missions; in addition to thousands of Clergy Alliances World Wide under the Ministry covering referred to as The Fellowship.

The Organization set up is as follows:
*The Visionary- Her Eminence Presiding Archbishop and
Chief Apostle Dr. Eloisa CW Bonaparte.

*Next in command is The Most Reverend Dr. A Louise Bonaparte who is 2nd Presiding Prelate and is successor.

*The Board and College of Bishops:
There are 7 Presiding Bishops, one representing each Continent of the Globe. During the year on a quarterly basis, there are courses taken to keep the Bishopric title in the organization. In the USA there is a presiding Bishop in every state where the ministry is located.

*Locations and Clergy:
The Break down is in Regions, Jurisdictions, and Districts.
*Ranks: Potential candidates are able to become ordained after intense study and observation; in the offices of- Bishop, Overseer, Pastor, Elder,Evangelist and Minister.

*The organization also licenses Missionaries to assist in ministry worldwide.
*Branch Churches: Churches located World Wide with the name Temple of The Good Shepherd included in the name of the organization.
*Assemblies: Congregations of various Denominations join in and come under the covering of the ministry ( The Fellowship)
*Clergy Alliance: Connections to Ministers of Various Faiths in over 200 Countries.

Missions: The ministry is indeed World Wide and one of the highlights is Building and Planting Missions. Missions consist of Hospitals, Clinics, Schools, Water Wells, Shelters, Pantries or whatever a particular community is in need of; the ministry provides.

The Temple of the Good Shepherd Ministries World Wide exemplifies John 10:10 “I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep”.